6 min read

What POTWs and Industry Need to Know About the PFAS NPDES ICR Proposal

By Lindsay Boone, M.Sc. on Jul 30, 2024 1:30:00 PM

To better understand how PFAS passes from industry through Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs), the EPA recently proposed an Information Collection Rule (ICR) focused on PFAS in wastewater influent, effluent, and biosolids. Paul Jackson, Pace® Analytical Program Manager for Environmental Compliance and Emerging Contaminants, delivered a webinar covering the basics of the proposal and its impact on our customers. In this post, I will cover some of the critical highlights. I also invite you to watch the webinar on-demand for a deeper dive.

Topics: Wastewater NPDES Biosolids ELGs ICR

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