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What You Need to Know about the New PFAS Limits in Drinking Water

Issuing federally enforceable limits for PFAS in drinking water was a key action outlined in the U.S. EPA’s 2021-2024 PFAS Strategic Roadmap. In 2023, the agency released its initial proposal. Then, after considering more than 120,000 public comments and a review of the final rule by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the final rule was released on April 10, 2024. In this post, we review the different aspects of this rule and its implications for our customers.

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Gearing Up for Summer: Legionella in the Hospitality Industry

As the U.S. summer vacation season heats up, now would be a good time for hotels, spas, health clubs, and other facilities catering to a water-minded clientele to test their water systems for opportunistic waterborne pathogens. According to the latest waterborne disease outbreak surveillance report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 62% of waterborne disease outbreaks originated in recreational water systems. Of course, recreational water–associated outbreaks can happen year-round, but 31% of these cases occurred in June or July.

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The Chain of Custody Form: Sample Collection, Where it All Begins

The quality of data generated by the laboratory is only as good as the quality of the sample collected in the field. The Chain of Custody form is a critical document that guarantees the integrity and reliability of samples collected for analysis. This form documents every stage of the process and assigns responsibility for the sample at each stage. It is particularly crucial in legal proceedings where the analytical data may be used as evidence.

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Should You Test for Legionella?

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Legionnaires’ disease is on the rise in the United States. In 2000, roughly 1000 cases were reported. That number ballooned to 10,000 cases in 2018, the last year for which data is available. The CDC issued a 2021 report on waterborne diseases, but this report only looks at cases of Legionellosis associated with an outbreak. Most cases of waterborne diseases, including Legionnaires’ disease, are sporadic, i.e., not epidemiologically linked to other cases by time, location of exposure to water, and type of illness.

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